Ask the expert, Luke McAuliffe joins Luke on 2CC
Luke Smith joins 2CC Talking Canberra 1206AM. The Money Show aired on Friday 11 December 2020 and the topic: How do I get the most from a property sale?
Financial Planner Luke Smith this month is joined by a number of experts he uses to answer financial questions that have a specialist requirement. This week, Luke and Leon at 2CC are joined by Luke McAuliffe, a Real Estate Agent who shares his knowledge and experience on how sellers can get the most from the sale of their property.
Key highlights include:
• Has the sale of property been impacted by Covid?
• Why the ACT property market has been resilient?
• Why it’s important to factor in a rate rise if you’re buying
• Luke’s top tips for property sellers
– Is your property ready for sale?
– Only use qualified trades people to fix repairs
– Professional styling for photos, videos and inspections, invest in marketing
– Should you repaint your property before selling it?
– Downsizing is an increasing trend, especially for people approaching retirement, and there are financial planning opportunities.
– How to select the right agent to sell your property and the questions to ask them
• A free appointment offer to talk about your own financial planning goals. Everyone has different goals and financial planning advice can help you achieve them more effectively, especially when you link different strategies.
Listen to the Podcast right now
Also available on Apple Podcasts and Spotify ‘The Strategy Stacker – Luke Talks Money’
Do you need to sell your own property?

Luke Smith at Envision Financial is happy to refer you to Luke McAuliffe, Real Estate Agent at no cost. Luke McAuliffe can provide you with information about selling your own property in Canberra. You can call Luke on 0433 33 8429.
Luke Smith as a Financial Planner can help you set up a financial planning strategy to help you achieve your investment and retirement goals, including property downsizing strategies.
Envision 2CC offer: Your first appointment is at our cost. Make an appointment to confidentially discuss your own investment, super or retirement goals. Call Envision Financial Services on 6260 4749. You can also use our contact us form to make an appointment for a confidential discussion about your situation.
Luke will return to talk about financial planning on 2CC next Friday from 4.30pm. Listen live or visit our website again to catch up on the podcast. You can also check out our YouTube Channel at Envision Financial Canberra.