Financial planning for control and independence
Luke Smith joins 2CC Talking Canberra 1206AM.
The Money Show aired on Friday 21 June 2019.
Luke talks about financial planning and money matters for females. The bygone era of the husband looking the money has given way to many many female-specific financial planning actions. Are you making the most of your opportunities?
Key highlights include:
- What many women want: Control and independence
- Women are taking a more proactive roll in managing their financial situation and seeking advice
- Career progression and raising a family will impact on your financial life
- Strategies for women include: Budgeting, income/super splitting, concessional contribution catch up superannuation legislation (or Mum returning to work legislation). The catch up legislation allows you to boost your super and get a tax deduction for your contributions
- Budgeting, regular savings plans and using separate accounts, don’t forget to reward yourself for good behaviour!
- How to protect your independence – manage your debt and consider insurance like income protection. Similarly, Total and Permanent Disability cover, Life cover and Trauma cover might also be considered. There are important differences.
- Superannuation can be a great vehicle for holding some of your insurances. Check you’ve got the ‘own occupation’ insurance definition. Check your super fees and charges. Also consider spouse contributions too if you’re married.
- An offer to trail our knowledge centre which is full of information, videos and calculators at no cost.
Listen to the Podcast right now
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Would you like help with your financial plans?
If you need financial advice or would like to talk about your savings, super or retirement plans, make an appointment to meet Luke at Envision Financial Services on 6260 4749 or use our contact us form to make an appointment for a confidential discussion about your situation.
Envision 2CC offer: Your first appointment is at our cost. Make an appointment to confidentially discuss your financial situation and financial goals.
Luke will return to talk about financial planning on 2CC Talking Canberra next Friday from 4.30pm. Tune into listen live or visit our website again to catch up on the podcast. You can also check out our YouTube Channel at Envision Financial Canberra.